Monday, September 20, 2010


For time four rds of 25, 21, 19 and 17

Weighted walking lunges 50m
push press
bear crawl back
Ski jumper
walk back to weights for rest.......... do it again.


ebers79 said...

so what's push press? and are there pics of you doing a bear crawl back?

Lil'Gummi Bear said...

I'm all about that walk back to weights for rest part.... said... too, piece of cake; in fact, i'm probably good with several 'walk back to weights for rest' reps...

M said...

You so funny bear and me. As for pictures of bear crawling I can probably hook it up tonight, because tonight I am going to do the Lukeala after I do some squats
should hurt

bethany weaver said...

em- a push press is kind of like a shoulder press (or some people call them an army press), where you hold the weighted barbell shoulder high and push it over head with both hands. with the push press you also dip your knees a little first, then drive up with your legs using the momentum to help push the barbell overhead. you can do a lot more weight with a push press than a shoulder press because of the added momentum. the push press is also the last movement of the clean and jerk.

see video