Monday, August 23, 2010

Ha ha ha ha ha

"Honestly Sir, I do not know why I found Franks bludgeoned to death next his broken practice chanter." "Son, do not worry, in fact here is an ARCOM."

17 comments: said...

LOLH....and with great joy!...thank you, LORD!...

...i was still holding out hope that it would eventually arrive : )

...enjoy! (we'll all be expecting a chanter concerto when you get back)

...xxxooo ~

ebers79 said...

Hey handing out ArComs like candy these days? no getting beaten up for keeping everyone awake at night! then again... maybe this is exactly what we need to bring this battle to an end! :) can't wait to see you all decked out and playing it!

Lil'Gummi Bear said...

yes please! a picture with the Kilt would be splendid indeed!

bethany weaver said...

What's an ArCom?

M said...

ArCom= Army Commendation medal. It is a little higher than and AAM said...

...and just what is an aam???

M said...

Army Achievement Medal which is just above a COA. said...

...i don thin we are getting very far here...
...what is a coa?

M said...

Certificate of Achievement, which is worth more promotion points than a GWOT. said...

...I do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand?


M said...

Global War On Terror, which is worth less than the GCM said...

Look, it's my duty as a knight to sample as much peril as I can...
so what is gcm?

M said...

Good Conduct Medal, which of course is no where near as cool as BYOB. said...

...finally! an acronym i think i have heard before: "bring your own bobblehead!"

: )

M said...

lol got you. Battle Yuling On Bastogne. It is a commemorative ribbon for the Christmas that the 327th spent in Bastogne in 1944. You earn it by winning a special board and scoring a perfect on marksmanship Which of course is not as cool as the POMB. said...

...noooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaay! you're making that're trying to fool your aging mother, aren't you?

..."Please Open My Beer?" - (because i'm a bobblehead and can't do it myself?)

bethany weaver said...

my brother is a nerd.