Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lakeside Property

I always wanted a house on the lake. Seriously though, that is the door to my room, and I woke up about 2 hours later with 2 inches of water under my bed. THIS PLACE IS AWESOME!

3 comments: said...

...perhaps you've built a little too close to the lake? i'm going to add "stay dry" to my list of blessings for you... right, get sleep, stay dry, pray without ceasing..., mom
...xxxooo ~

(FEMA: Disaster Assistance: (800) 621-FEMA / TTY (800) 462-7585...)

ebers79 said...

and you thought you would get away from the flooding when you left TN... how wrong you were! just think... that same amount of water makes twice as much snow! how wonderful is that!!

M said...

Snow is cold!!! Luckily I have my Happy Bunny Blankie to keep me warm! (pictures soon of that)