Monday, August 18, 2008

Promises Promises

I still can not download things on these computers. I can not use my flash stick (verboten), I can not get a personal internet connection, and of course my buddies are always using their internet, so I cannot borrow their computers to download (how dare they use their own money to have internet connections). So until these problems are dealt with (and as you probably know I am EXTREMELY busy) I can not send Gmonthly newsletters. ARRRG will try to fix it.


ebers79 said...

it's all good baby, no worries. we aren't going anywhere. besides the few blog snippets you write will hold us all over. I love you!

Bubbis said...

yeah, just putt'em into hard copy and hand deliver. fair enough?

ebers79 said...

i like that idea... hand delivered works for me!

M said...

working on it. The days only go by as quickly as days want to

bethany weaver said...

i'll sign up too. can you deliver it in "singing gram" form? interpretive dancing is also allowed. said...

just come home safely and then you can give us all a narrative run down...
love you big guy -